Sunday, March 23, 2014

A Girl Walks Up to a Bar......

Anyone that has known me for a while knows that during the first few seasons of Real Housewives (the original New York, of course) I was blown away by the refreshingly REAL voice of Bethenny Frankel. Among other people who seemed to feed into the drama for the ratings, Bethenny had a clear "I don't have time for this sh!t, I have real world problems" attitude from Day 1, and I was shocked. Inspired by her business sense and undeniable hustle, months later, I ordered her book and read about her story. Since, I've been a Bethenny fan. It takes wit, courage, perseverance, and true knowledge of yourself to go from entrepreneur making cookies in someone else's kitchen at night to launching a multi-million dollar low-calorie wine brand and TV shows of her own. The understatement of the year = I applaud her.

For those that have seen the Skinnygirl
logo around on shelves, that is the backstory -- the triumph of a singular idea. One woman wanted her drink and her figure too. From the beginning, Bethenny has written many books on the subject of health & food (she's a culinary graduate,) and the Skinnygirl brand has since expanded to bars that in my opinion, are very well-aligned to the TableHaven mission of healthy yet tasty.

Well, lucky for me, since I follow her on Instagram (@bethennyfrankel,) I saw that her staff at Skinnygirl was having a give-away --  3 months of Skinnygirl bars if you instagrammed the bars being sold in a Hudson News store and were selected. Again, the luck was in my favor, Hudson News are in airports, and I was traveling the next day. So I did it -- and lucky for me -- I was selected of those who entered.

These bars come in many yummy (no I'm not just saying that, they're DELICIOUS) flavors, including Banana Oatmeal Dark Chocolate & Dark Chocolate Multi-Grain Pretzel. Not only that -- they differ from other good-tasting bars in the sense that they are packed with soy protein, are gluten-free, and naturally have 20% of your daily fiber needs! Who can argue with that? I am so looking froward to tearing into these and keeping one in my purse for those moments on-the-go when hunger strikes and I'm tempted to make bad decisions (you guys know what I'm talking about!) I look forward to saying "no" by saying "yes" -- and while you're at it -- read Bethenny's book called "A Place of Yes" -- it'll change your life.

xoxo n

**Photo credit: Pinterest &


Michelle @ The Gym Bag Diaries said...

This is awesome! Congrats! I LOVE Skinny Girl products! I nominated you and your blog for a Liebster Award! Check out how to accept it -- I hope you do!

Unknown said...

Thanks Michelle!! Appreciate the Love!