Friday, October 11, 2013

AppleFest! Spiced Applesauce

So -- after writing the last post..... I caught the case of apple-blog-mania.
I'd like to call it: AppleFest 2013, actually.

In the next month, I will be sharing wonderful recipes that have inspired me, everywhere from the cafeteria at work, to old cookbooks, to even my own imagination in the kitchen on a random Thursday. Look out for:
  • Israeli CousCous with Cranberries & Apples
  • Easy Apple Cinnamon Oats
  • Personal Apple Pies
  • Sweet Potato & Roasted Apple Soup
To start off, I decided to venture into making my own applesauce! First of all, its not only delcious, but it's so "school lunch" -- remember those sweet days? Plus, applesauce is so versatile -- in the past couple of days, I've eaten it plain, mixed it into some smoothies, or even topped it on some oatmeal! Not only that, but with my recipe, nothing artificial is added -- and if you're like me -- you'll be hooked on the purity of this recipe and taste, and never want to buy store applesauce again!

Servings: 4-8 (1 cup or half cup)

What You'll Need:
  • 8 small apples (preferably pink or light red)
  • A Slow Cooker! (can find them for $15 -- best thing you can buy for yourself)
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 2tbsp Cinnamon
  • Optional: Pumpkin Pie Spice (sold this time of year, its cinnamon, ginger, cloves, etc. bottled together in one)

Step by Step:
  1. Cut the apples into slices and make sure to cut the peels off.
  2. Put the apple slices into the slow cooker and add water and just a pinch of cinnamon.
  3. Stir, cover, and turn the slow cooker to "Low." Let cook 6-8 hours while you sleep, you busy world-changer!
  4. When the time is up, turn the slow cooker off and use a wooden spoon to mash the apples until the sauce is chunky. Add the remaining cinnamon and a dash of pumpkin pie spice and stir.
  5. Let sit for 30 minutes, stir, then put the dish into the fridge. Let cool before serving.


Who's excited for AppleFest? Instagram me at @natalieneilson with the hastag #THAppleFest to show me how you are engaging in the apple bounty this fall! Can't wait to hear from you guys!

xoxo n

Writer's Note: For those wondering "Where's the Sugar??" -- Many of the recipes I found online for applesauce required you to add sugar (sometimes up to a cup!) I decided to go against adding sugar, since apples are naturally sweet -- and I decided if I tasted my applesauce and it wasn't sweet enough, I would direct you readers to another sugar-adding recipe. However, my natural applesauce was just sweet enough :)

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